Lake Anjikuni, Canada
In the winter of 1930, a strange phenomenon occurred with a small population of the Inuit (Eskimo) ethnic group on the shores of Lake Anjikuni . Or we should say “it would have happened”, because although there was initially an investigation, years later the police denied the facts.The shores of Lake Anjikuni, in the remote Canadian north.
The story was first published on November 27, 1930 in The Danville Bee, a northern newspaper, by journalist Emmett E. Kelleher. He recounted how, one day in November, Joe Labelle, a fur trapper and trader, walked into the village by the lake and found everything eerily quiet: no one was there
Labelle sent a message to the headquarters of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and an intensive search began that never found the inhabitants of the village. But yes with very strange situations. For example, he found the sled dogs buried under more than a meter of snow: they had starved to death . And more than one tomb in the cemetery was open and empty.
A typical Inuit encampment like the one that, according to the story, was suddenly uninhabited in Canada.
The investigation spread to the entire country and continued for several years. But the only thing that some related to the event was the version of a hunter, Arnaud Laurent, and his son, who said that the night before the disappearance they had seen a “strange flash” in the sky , which seemed to be heading towards Lake Anjikuni.
Teotihuacan, Mexico
It is one of the main archaeological zones in Mexico and one of the most spectacular, with the Calzada de los Muertos and the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. The great Pyramid of the Sun. It is not known who founded the pre-Hispanic city of Teotihuacán .
Located 50 km north of Mexico City, its name means ” place where the gods were made “, but that was the name given to it by the ancient Mexicas, who discovered the already abandoned city. Its heyday is estimated to have been about 1,000 years earlier, between the 1st and 7th centuries.The Road of the Dead in a city that had at least 25,000 inhabitants.
Hessdalen Valley, Norway
In 1981, some inhabitants of a small town called Hessdalen, in central Norway, began to report the sighting of strange lights over the valley where the town is located.From reflections from car headlights to airplane lights and, of course, UFOs, there are several hypotheses about lights.
Since then they have been registered and studied even by physicists. Some say that it is reflections from car headlights on a nearby road; others, of airplane lights for air routes that cross the valley. But there was also talk of celestial objects, paranormal phenomena and, of course, UFOs
Kimberley, Australia
Kimberley is a sparsely populated area with reddish desert landscapes in northwestern Australia .
For many, these portraits speak of the interaction between visitors from other worlds and primitive humans .Who or what are these anthropomorphic beings represented in ancient cave paintings?
Later, other similar figures were later found in folds and caves of the sacred mountain of Uluru, in the heart of the Australian desert. The aborigines call them wandjinas , and they assure that the paintings were made by the beings represented when they descended to Earth, in “very ancient” times.The desert landscape of Kimberley, Australia.
For them it is about supreme spiritual beings and creators of the Earth and people, and they cite an ancient legend that tells of hard combats that took place in different parts of Australia between the God of the Earth and the God of the Sun, who arrived from heaven in a ship.
Diquís Delta, Costa Rica
In 2014, Unesco chose the set of pre-Columbian settlements with stone spheres in Diquís as a World Heritage Site. And the same year, the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica declared them the national symbol of the country. But the truth is that it is not known who made these stone spheres, nor how they achieved them with such perfection .Perfect spheres, of different sizes and weights, in the south of Costa Rica.
The stone spheres or Diquís spheres (because they were found in the Diquís River Delta) are considered the quintessential artistic manifestation of Costa Rican pre-Columbian sculpture. The smallest have a diameter of 10 centimeters; the largest reach almost 2.6 meters and weigh more than 16 tons .
Yonaguni Island, Japan
Many scientists affirm that they are only natural formations at the bottom of the sea near the island of Yonaguni, in the extreme south of Japan, very close to Taiwan. But there are also several who assure that it is really a huge ancient submerged city , and that the shape, finish and polishing of many of these structures show the work of man.The Yoniguni Monument is called “Japan’s Atlantis”.
The main proponent of this theory is Dr. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist at Ryukyu University who has been diving in the area for almost 20 years, mapping and measuring the “Yonaguni Monument”, as it has been called.
Kimura claims that it is a large network of buildings that includes castles, monuments, and a stadium , all connected by a system of roads and waterways.For the scientist Masaaki Kimura, the structures are very similar to other archaeological sites on the mainland.
Over the years, the scientist has created a fairly detailed picture of the site, noting numerous similarities to archaeological sites on land. For example, a semicircular cutout in a rock platform, which would coincide with an entrance to a castle like the one in Nakagusuku, in Okinawa.